The MicroWire sensor is a passive element: it has no data gathering on it and doesn’t need any wiring. To be able to gather the local data around the MicroWire, RVmagnetic uses a sensing head.

The sensing head consists of two coils: one of them is an excitation coil. It generates a few tenths of Oersted (a few millitesla (mT)) of the magnetic field. The second, sensing coil works as an antenna, thus gathering the changes in the magnetic response of MicroWire to the local environment's phy­sical changes, through the magnetic field created by the first coil. The sensing head needs no contact with the sensor directly, it can also be miniaturised into extremely small dimensions if that is what the application needs.

Contact Information

RVmagnetics, a.s. Registration and billing information:
RVmagnetics, a.s.
Business Register of the City Court Košice, sec.: Sa, insert no.: 1662/V
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R&D Lab / HQ office RVmagnetics, a.s.
Němcovej 30, 040 01 Košice
Slovak Republic
European Union
Registered Seat RVmagnetics, a.s.
Němcovej 30, 040 01 Košice
Slovak Republic
European Union